Watson International

Watson International Helps Sponsor Liberty Board of Realty Golf Outing for Education

On October 15th, mother-daughter real estate duo Margaret Watson and Antonia Watson are rejoining forces in their philanthropic efforts. In addition, Antonia’s sister, Fiona Watson, owner of Notorious Mixed Martial Arts, is joining in the sponsorships.

The Watson International Team at Corcoran Group is honored to be partnering with Liberty Board of Realtors in their annual golf fundraiser. Spearheaded by Margaret Watson, Community Service Chairwoman of Liberty Board of Realtors for more than a decade, this annual golf event has contributed numerous full ride scholarships for high school graduates in need.

“The stories are beautiful and I am so pleased to be involved in the positive changes education can produce,” Margaret Watson stated eloquently at a recent press conference.

“We changed one woman’s life entirely,” Watson reflected. “This woman had been working two full time minimum wage jobs to support her family, while simultaneously saving to go back to school. After years of praying for a miracle, we provided a fresh start, and ultimately, a new life for her. As the recipient of our scholarship, she was able to attend night school and graduate with a degree in nursing. Today, this woman works full time as a registered nurse and is able to provide her family with a life that at one time was no more than a dream. She reaches out to us every holiday to thank us for paving the way toward her future; for being her miracle.”

Numerous other scholarship recipients’ lives have been dramatically improved from the generous support of the Watsons’ annual golf fundraiser.

The event draws an eclectic group of attendees. From real estate developers to mortgage bankers, athletes to restaurateurs, the Watson women draw upon their dynamic spheres of influence to fill the event with clients and industry professionals, eager to contribute to a wonderful cause.

“It is such a blessing to be able to alter the trajectory of people’s lives,” offered Antonia Watson in a recent interview. “The old adage is true: as people, we often live under the illusion that we have time, when in reality, we do not have time. We have one very brief, fleeting opportunity to make our presence on earth meaningful. I can think of no more profound way of utilizing our time on this planet than to help others actualize their dreams. I have been extremely fortunate to have been taught by my mother and grandmother how to build a brilliant and fulfilling career; however, more importantly, I have been taught by these remarkable women the importance of giving back.”

Antonia continued, “Perhaps my stepfather says it best when he tells me: ‘Success and responsibility go hand in hand. The more successful you become, the more responsibility you have to help lift others up’.”

Sharing her family’s passion for spreading education, Fiona Watson offers her perspective on the necessity of events like these. “I always teach my students the importance of giving back to the community. It is a virtue and discipline learned in martial arts that I hope they take with them when they step off the mat,” said Watson.

The annual golf outing includes lunch, golf, dinner, and prizes. Tickets are $200 per person and can be purchased by contacting Margaret or Antonia Watson.

Margaret Jagar-Watson, GRI
Broker / Manager
Liberty Realty LLC
525 Washington Street
Hoboken, New Jersey 07030
Office: 201.222.2900
Private: 201.970.4593

Antonia Watson
The Watson International Team
Licensed Associate Real Estate Broker
Senior Global Advisor
The Corcoran Group
d: 212-323-3290
c: 347-768-5952
f: 212-415-6204
660 Madison Avenue, New York NY, 10065